Privacy Policy

GDPR Privacy Policy & Compliance


The use of the websites and services provided to the visitor / user, by the website owned by "Eliot Cosmetics" hereinafter "the company", presupposes your unconditional agreement with the Privacy Policy on the Privacy of this website. Therefore, the visitor / user must carefully read the contents of this page, before using the services of our website. If he does not agree, he should abandon it and NOT make any use of its services and content.
Αυτή η πολιτική απορρήτου μπορεί να αλλάζει από καιρό σε καιρό σύμφωνα με τη νομοθεσία ή τις εξελίξεις στον κλάδο. Δεν θα ενημερώσουμε ρητά τους πελάτες μας ή τους χρήστες του ιστότοπου μας για τις αλλαγές αυτές. Αντ̓ αυτού, σας συνιστούμε να ελέγχετε περιστασιακά αυτή τη σελίδα για τυχόν αλλαγές της παρούσας πολιτικής απορρήτου. Η εξακολούθηση της χρήσης του ιστότοπου ακόμη και μετά τις όποιες αλλαγές στην Πολιτική Απορρήτου, σημαίνει την ανεπιφύλακτη αποδοχή των όρων αυτών εκ μέρους σας.


We collect and process your personal data only when absolutely necessary.
We will never sell, rent, distribute, or disclose your personal information in any way.
If you are under 16, you MUST have your parents' consent before using the services on this site.

Relevant legislation

In addition to our company's internal information systems, this website is designed to comply with the following laws / regulations regarding the protection of users' personal data:

  1. EU Data Protection Directive 1995 (DPD)
  2. EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018

Personal information collected by this site and why we collect it

This site collects and uses personal information for the following reasons:

Monitor site traffic

Like most websites, it uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user activity. We use this data to determine the number of people who use our site, to better understand how they find and use our web pages, and to see their progress within the site. Although GA records data such as your geographical location, your device, your web browser and your operating system, none of this information is made personally known to us. GA also records your computer's IP address, which could be used to identify you, but Google does not give us access to it. We believe that Google is a third party data processing entity that complies with the requirements of European law.

Contact forms and email links

If you choose to contact us using a contact form or an email link, none of the data you provide will be stored on this website or transferred or processed by any third party data processing provider as defined below. in the section "Our third party data processors". Instead, this data will be emailed to us via the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Our SMTP servers are protected by a TLS security protocol (sometimes known as SSL), which means that e-mail content is encrypted before being sent over the Internet. The contents of the email are decrypted by our local computers and devices.

Electronic newsletter

If you choose to participate in our email newsletter, the email address you submit to us will be forwarded to the newsletter that provides us with our email marketing services. The newsletter is a third party data processor (see "Our Third Party Data Processors" below). The email address you submit will not be stored in the on-site database or in any of our internal computer systems. Your email address will remain in the newsletter database for as long as we continue to use its email marketing services or until you explicitly request its removal from the list. You can do this using the unsubscribe link contained in all the email newsletters we send you. As long as your email address remains in the newsletter database, you will receive periodic (approximately once a month) email updates from us.

About the server of this site

All web traffic (file transfer) between this site and your browser is encrypted and transferred via HTTPS using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

Our third party data processors

We use a number of third parties to process personal data about us. These bodies have been carefully selected to comply with the legislation referred to in this text.

Data breaches

For all your personal information stored in our database, all necessary measures will be taken to ensure it.
We will report any unlawful breach of this website or any third party data processing database to anyone and anyone directly concerned and to the authorities within 72 hours of the breach, provided that the personal data that is stored in a recognizable form, have been stolen.